domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Homework ingles

*the boys eat a hot-dog 
a hot-dog eat the boys. 

*she ate a pizza
 ate a pizza was eaten by it.

*I reached the end
the end was reached by my

*genesis ate a ice cream       
  A ice cream was ate by genesis

*My mom eat a fish
A fish is eaten by mom

* she bathe the dog days ago.
Dog days ago was the bathe  by she.

 *alejandra see much television 
television looks all alejandra.

*I cleaned the whole house
I house was cleaned by my

* my rich ate meat
 ate meat was rich by them.

*I cook a chicken corina

 corina was chiken by me

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011


  • Normas del Buena hablante:
  •  Escuchar las opiniones de los demas asì no estemos de acuerdo con las mismas.
  • Esperar que el hablante termine de dar su punto de vista para poder intervenir.
  • Tener un tono de voz adecuado.

  • Normas del Buen Oyente:
  • Respetar el turno de PALABRA.
  • Escuchar bièn la idea de la otra persona para poder opinar con coherencia.
  • No interrumpir al hablante.